Inland Northwest Land Conservancy
By appointment
About Us
At Inland Northwest Land Conservancy, we work to conserve, care for, and connect with lands and waters essential to life in the Inland Northwest. We envision a future of interconnected natural habitats throughout the Inland Northwest, supporting thriving populations of native plants and wildlife, respected and enjoyed by all who call this region home. We work in two counties in North Idaho, and five counties in Eastern Washington to permanently protect local lands and waters.
Inland Northwest Land Conservancy is focused on creating opportunities with community leaders, private landowners, and government agencies to preserve the clean air, waters, and scenic beauty of the Inland Northwest region. Recognizing the strain our natural world faces with rapid development and climate change, we respond by identifying and evaluating key habitat, waterways, forests, and prairies that may be available for protection and then working with landowners, agencies, land managers, and other conservation organizations to conserve those places. Using many tools, including private land easements, the purchase of preserves, and stewardship that enhances the climate and habitat value of land, we work to make our natural world stronger for the sake of our broader community for generations to come.
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